vendredi 31 juillet 2009


Ilka Schönbein est une marionnettiste, comédienne et danseuse allemande. Elle est la fondatrice du Theater Meschugge. Elle s’est formée à la danse eurythmique de Rudolph Steiner qui prône l’alliance de l’âme et du geste plutôt que l’effort et la technique. Puis elle a étudié avec le marionnettiste Albrecht Roser à Stuttgart. Elle a ensuite tourné une dizaine d’années avec d’autres compagnies avant de se lancer sur les routes avec ses propres spectacles.

Alfred Kubin...


Cantara (Dead Can Dance)


Au point du jour
en tourbillons de brume
la voix de la cloche


jeudi 30 juillet 2009

mardi 28 juillet 2009

The Invasion of Thunderbolt Pagoda (Ira Cohen)


Ira Cohen (born February 3, 1935) is an American poet, publisher, photographer and filmmaker born in New York City to deaf parents. During the 1960s, he traveled to Tangier, where he published the exorcism magazine GNAOUA. He also published The Hashish Cookbook under the name of Panama Rose. He continued to travel until 1980, when he returned to New York City, where he now resides.

In 1961 Cohen took a Yugoslavian !hi! freighter to Tangier, Morocco where he lived for four years and published GNAOUA, a magazine devoted to exorcism introducing the work of Brion Gysin, William S. Burroughs, Harold Norse and other members of the Interzone. GNAOUA also featured Jack Smith, and Irving Rosenthal. He also produced Jilala, a mythic recording of trance music by a sect of dervishes, which was recorded by Paul Bowles.

In his loft on the Lower East Side, Cohen created the "mylar images", future icons developed by a "mythographer". Among the reflected artists in his mirror: John McLaughlin, William Burroughs and Jimi Hendrix who said that looking at these photos was like looking through butterfly wings. Timothy Baum, noted expert in Man Ray, Marcel Duchamp, said that these images were jewels and should be shown at Tiffany's. With this shamanic and tantric exercise Cohen explored the whole spectrum of photography from infrared to black light. In 1968 he also directed the "phantasmaglorical" film Invasion of Thunderbolt Pagoda and produced Paradise Now, a film of the Living Theatre's historic American tour. Invasion Of Thunderbolt Pagoda was inspired by the films of Kenneth Anger and Sergei Parajanov and began as an extension of his photography work with his Mylar chamber.

He went to the Himalayas in the '70s where he started the starstream poetry series under the Bardo matrix imprint in Kathmandu, publishing the work of Charles Henri Ford, Gregory Corso, Paul Bowles and Angus Maclise; and developing his art of bookmaking, working with native craftsmen. In 1972 he spent a year in San Francisco reading and performing and then returned to New York mounting photographic shows.

During the 1980s Cohen made trips to Ethiopia, Japan, and back to India where he documented on video the great kumbh mela festival, the largest spiritual gathering on the planet. In the latter part of the decade Synergetic Press published On Feet of Gold, a book of selected poems. He was also a contributing editor of Third Rail magazine, a review of international arts and literature based in Los Angeles.

Ira Cohen saw his poems published during the 1990s in England by Temple Press under the title Ratio 3: Media Shamans Along with Two Good Poet Friends, Gerard Malanga (Factory) and Angus Maclise. He had a show called Retrospectacle at the October Gallery in London and he also took part along with William Burroughs, Terry Wilson and Hakim Bey at the Here To Go Show in Dublin in 1992 which celebrated the painter Brion Gysin.

In 1994 Sub Rosa Records released his first CD, The Majoon Traveller, with Cheb i Sabbah, which also included the work of Don Cherry and Ornette Coleman.

He again exhibited in London at October Gallery in 2007.



jeudi 16 juillet 2009

Ed Emshwiller - Thanatopsis, 1962

"The confrontation of a man and his torment. Juxtaposed against his external composure are images of a woman and lights in distortion, with tension heightened by the sounds of power saws and a heartbeat" (Ed Emshwiller)

"Zen", reportage d'Arnaud Desjardins

Partie I "Ici et Maintenant"

"Lorsque jaillit l'éclair
Admirable est celui qui ne pense pas.
La vie passe...

(Anonyme, poème zen)

mardi 14 juillet 2009

Vierge noire...

Le héros Arjuna guidé par Krishna chante, dans le Mahabarata, cet hymne à Kali:

« Je te salue, guide des Réalisés,
Noble Déesse qui réside dans le ciel,
Fille ténébreuse au collier de tête de mort,
de couleur fauve,
couleur de bronze.
Je te salue, bienfaisante,
puissance du temps,
puissance de l’éternité transcendante. »




vierge noire allemagne

vierge noire de montserrat


(Symbolique des vierges noires par Régor. R. Mougeot)

**Terme hermétique:
Livre fermé ou Vierge noire: symbole de la substance minérale brute, de la Matière première, telle qu'elle sort de la mine

lundi 13 juillet 2009

Hsüan Chüeh...


clair miroir du cœur... reflet sans obstacle

un tel vide brille et s’étend partout jusqu’au monde des grains de sable

les dix-mille choses s’étalent, dans la manifestation des images

un grain, illumination parfaite : ni dehors, ni dedans



dimanche 12 juillet 2009



Image and video hosting by TinyPic
(Calligraphy by On-yumishi Kanjuro Shibata XX)

- "Too much thinking."

- "Perhaps you are thinking that neutrality is some sort of spiritual goal. This is not the case. Looking deeply at our hearts is the aim of spiritual practice. Kyudo practice is not neutral. Kyudo practice is about balance. Balance is not the same as neutrality. Neutrality only seeks the middle. In kyudo practice we are equally aware of the left, the right, the middle, all of it. How long have you been practicing? One more again, practice. This is my hope." (Kanjuro Shibata)

samedi 11 juillet 2009

"Tout vrai sentiment est en réalité intraduisible..."

«Tout vrai sentiment est en réalité intraduisible. L’exprimer c’est le trahir. Mais le traduire c’est le dissimuler. L’expression vraie cache ce qu’elle manifeste. Elle oppose l’esprit au vide réel de la nature, en créant par réaction une sorte de plein dans la pensée. Ou, si l’on préfère, par rapport à la manifestation-illusion de la nature elle crée un vide dans la pensée. Tout sentiment puissant provoque en nous l’idée du vide. Et le langage clair qui empêche ce vide, empêche aussi la poésie d’apparaître dans la pensée. C’est pourquoi une image, une allégorie, une figure qui masque ce qu’elle voudrait révéler ont plus de signification pour l’esprit que les clartés apportées par les analyses de la parole.
C’est ainsi que la vraie beauté ne nous frappe jamais directement. Et qu’un soleil couchant est beau à cause de tout ce qu’il nous fait perdre.»

(extrait de "Le Théâtre de la cruauté", Antonin ARTAUD)

vendredi 10 juillet 2009


« Il n’y a qu’un savoir, ô mon ami, et qui est partout, c’est l’Atman, qui est en moi, en toi, et dans chaque être. Et voilà pourquoi je commence à croire qu’il n’est pas de plus grand ennemi du vrai savoir que de vouloir savoir à tout prix, d’apprendre. » (Siddhârta, Hermann Hesse)